Why All the Repetition? – The Rosary

Why All the Repetition? – The Rosary

+J.M.J.+ October is the month of the Holy Rosary, and so I want to quickly reflect on something some non-Catholics object to in the Rosary, and how it is beneficial in so many aspects of our lives...it's repetition. Disclosure: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed [...]

Grocery Haul/Menu + Instant Pot Grits

Grocery Haul/Menu + Instant Pot Grits

+J.M.J.+ Hello friends! I wanted to give you a quick peek at our grocery haul from this week, and a current favorite breakfast recipe. We went to Trader Joes for everything except milk, shrimp, and cheddar bunny crackers, which came from Whole Foods. Disclosure: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, [...]

The Gift of a Slow Childhood

The Gift of a Slow Childhood

+J.M.J.+ The world always seems to think that faster is better. From our drive-thru food to our internet speeds, we want everything to be quick. This desire for speed doesn't stop with our children, either. Society pressures us to rush our kids through each developmental milestone at break neck speed. Your Baby Can Read type [...]

{Real Food} 1 Minute Blender Whipped Cream

{Real Food} 1 Minute Blender Whipped Cream

+J.M.J.+ You know those strangely addicting to watch cooking videos all over Facebook? The dessert ones very often call for Kraft Cool Whip. I used to eat it whenever I had pie as a kid, and I always knew I didn't quite like it as much as I remembered when the holidays rolled around and [...]

When You Love Someone Too Much to Lie to Them

When You Love Someone Too Much to Lie to Them

+J.M.J.+ To speak the truth is a bold and sometimes scary act in our increasingly disordered world. The natural law has been thrown out the window by most of society. We are told to lie to others and ourselves, affirming that the ensuing chaos is fine and normal. Someone I love very much is choosing [...]

Natural Finds on Vacation

Natural Finds on Vacation

+J.M.J.+ Wanna know how to get lots of stares in an airport? Look like a kangaroo with a joey in your pouch, holding the leash to a brightly colored owl backpack worn by a super active toddler. Now that we have that covered... I took the opportunity to check out a few places of interest [...]

“Just wait until…” – On Negative Catholics and Sufficient Grace

“Just wait until…” – On Negative Catholics and Sufficient Grace

+J.M.J.+ When Ethan and I got engaged, I was surprised at how many "Just wait until..." comments we received. You know the kind. "Just wait until the honeymoon is over..." "Just wait until the excitement of being newlyweds wears off..." "Just wait until you have kids..." It bugged me that being excited for our new [...]

Sunday Preparations + {Real Food} White Sauce Lasagna

Sunday Preparations + {Real Food} White Sauce Lasagna

+J.M.J.+ Even being married and having our own small family, Sundays have still somehow felt lonesome for Ethan and I. It seems like we should go from Holy Mass to one of our parents' homes to spend the day with them and our siblings, but that just isn't possible considering we live hundreds of miles [...]

Prep for Trip with Toddler and Baby

Prep for Trip with Toddler and Baby

+J.M.J.+ I am flying to Montana with Philomena and Zelie this week to visit my parents. I have traveled a lot by myself with Philomena. (She has been on over 30 airplanes so far and she is just 2!) This, however, will be my first solo trip with both girls. (Ethan has to stay home [...]