Reusable Cloth Menstrual Pads 101

Reusable Cloth Menstrual Pads 101

+J.M.J.+ I haven't bought disposable menstrual pads for 2.5 years now (well, aside from one package to use while traveling without access to laundry). I asked on social media for your questions on reusable pads, and I'm ready to answer them and give you the 4-11 on this super easy to care for, better for [...]

My Cloth Diaper Stash

My Cloth Diaper Stash

+J.M.J.+ I'm back from my cloth diapering FAQ post earlier this week  to answer all of the questions asked specifically about our diaper stash itself... you know: what brand I use, how many I have, how I store them, what accessories we use, and that big decision: snaps or velcro closures! Let's jump in! We [...]

Cloth Diaper FAQ’s

Cloth Diaper FAQ’s

+J.M.J.+ I put the call out on social media for any cloth diapering questions and quite a few rolled in. I'm going to jump right in and answer them, consolidating any really similar queries. A few of you wanted to know more about our diapers themselves and which accessories I recommend, read all about those [...]

My Reusable Household Favorites – {Save Money / Reduce Toxins}

My Reusable Household Favorites – {Save Money / Reduce Toxins}

+J.M.J.+ Aside from eliminating toxins and harmful chemicals from my home... I like saving money. Conveniently, lots of the glass and cloth things I use around the house help me achieve both of these end goals. Thanks to so many naturally minded consumers and the zero-waste community, a lot of these options are becoming more [...]

Natural Finds on Vacation

Natural Finds on Vacation

+J.M.J.+ Wanna know how to get lots of stares in an airport? Look like a kangaroo with a joey in your pouch, holding the leash to a brightly colored owl backpack worn by a super active toddler. Now that we have that covered... I took the opportunity to check out a few places of interest [...]

Why We Chose a Cadillac Cloth Diaper Stash

Why We Chose a Cadillac Cloth Diaper Stash

+J.M.J.+ When we decided to cloth diaper, I knew I wanted to invest in what I have come to call a "Cadillac stash." When I say Cadillac stash, I mean a set of really nice, top of the line cloth diapers and a LOT of them. (You can see my full stash in this post [...]

No-Strip Cloth Diaper Laundry Routine

No-Strip Cloth Diaper Laundry Routine

+J.M.J.+ The internet is full of confusing and conflicting information on how to wash cloth diapers. You will read about pre-washes, real washes, double and even triple rinses, and warnings that your diapers will spontaneously combust if you don't use the right soap. (Okay... that's an exaggeration but still...) Disclosure: We are a participant in [...]