My Cloth Diaper Stash

My Cloth Diaper Stash

+J.M.J.+ I'm back from my cloth diapering FAQ post earlier this week  to answer all of the questions asked specifically about our diaper stash itself... you know: what brand I use, how many I have, how I store them, what accessories we use, and that big decision: snaps or velcro closures! Let's jump in! We [...]

Cloth Diaper FAQ’s

Cloth Diaper FAQ’s

+J.M.J.+ I put the call out on social media for any cloth diapering questions and quite a few rolled in. I'm going to jump right in and answer them, consolidating any really similar queries. A few of you wanted to know more about our diapers themselves and which accessories I recommend, read all about those [...]

Toddler Capsule Wardrobe

Toddler Capsule Wardrobe

+J.M.J.+ We were graciously given lots of hand-me-down clothes from friends when we had Philomena. I needed to buy a few items here and there to fill in the gaps, but overall for the last three years she has been able to wear the clothes we were so generously gifted. Size 4 has approached though, [...]

How I Shop Kid’s Resale Events

How I Shop Kid’s Resale Events

+J.M.J.+ Thrift stores, consignment shops, the Facebook marketplace, and sometimes garage sales are all wonderful spots to get clothes, baby gear, and kid's shoes at deep discounts. But when I was pregnant with Philomena a friend from church introduced me to the magic that is children's resale/consignment events. I had never heard of these before, [...]

My Little Kids Don’t Use Screens. Ever. Here’s Why.

My Little Kids Don’t Use Screens. Ever. Here’s Why.

+J.M.J.+ In this world of Baby Einsteins and Netflix for Kids, Philomena and Zelie have never watched a t.v. show or movie before. They've never played with an interactive book or game on a tablet. They don't know children's digital entertainment exists, and while screens could definitely occupy them during the day, not letting the [...]

One Year Anniversary! {Plus My Top 10}

One Year Anniversary! {Plus My Top 10}

+J.M.J.+ Today marks one year of blogging, and I'm quite shocked this anniversary is already here. This little venture is literally the result of a lady in a group I admin on Facebook asking if I had a blog. Ethan had mentioned before that he thought I should try writing one, and so I ran [...]