I Need Some Accountability

+J.M.J.+ Is anyone one else just craving a change and a new start as we approach the new year? Ethan and I always say that we are going to enjoy the two big meals at my parents' house at Christmas and then not endlessly eat carb-heavy leftovers and the millions of sweets around the house [...]

My Favorite Nursing Accessories

My Favorite Nursing Accessories

+J.M.J.+ I nurse. A lot. In fact, I have nursed every single day since Philomena was born two and a half years ago. (And yes, my toddler does still have a quick nurse before nap and bedtime. This is kind of culturally taboo in America, and something I chat about in this post here.) I [...]

Give Them the Grace You Give Yourself + A Prayer for Patience

Give Them the Grace You Give Yourself + A Prayer for Patience

+J.M.J.+ Why can't I give others the grace I give myself? Me When I make a mess, say I spill some milk when pouring a glass, I'll lightly say, "whoops," wipe it up, and move on. Others When my toddler accidentally makes a mess, it is really easy for me to get annoyed. I try to [...]

Zelie’s Home Birth Story

Zelie’s Home Birth Story

+J.M.J.+ Twenty-five months after I had what felt like a never ending birth with Philomena, things were very different with my second baby. (You can read that birth story and some great information on the safety of homebirth by clicking here) My goal this time around was to take relaxing during contractions to a new [...]

To Grandmother’s House We {Comfortably} Go

To Grandmother’s House We {Comfortably} Go

+J.M.J.+ So this isn't a Catholic or natural topic like I usually write about, but I am so excited about a recent find for our upcoming Christmas travels, that I wanted to share a little comparison and review with you. If you are flying or driving any considerable distance, this could be helpful! Disclosure: We [...]

Philomena’s Home Birth Story

Philomena’s Home Birth Story

+J.M.J+ Philomena was born exactly two years, six months, and one day ago. At home. I have been meaning to write down her story for that entire length of time, and finally have it down to share with you. Also, after her birth story, I have a section on the safety of home birth, as [...]

Childrens Bible Stories Giveaway {Closed}

Childrens Bible Stories Giveaway {Closed}

+J.M.J.+ Congratulations Milissa K.! I have one more giveaway for you this week, and I really think a lot of you are going to want this book by Mediatrix Press for your family. Disclosure: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for [...]

Immaculate Conception Rosary Giveaway! {Closed}

Immaculate Conception Rosary Giveaway! {Closed}

+J.M.J.+ Congratulations Lisa W.! Hey friends! I'm so excited to have a giveaway for you this morning, in honor of the coming Feast of the Immaculate Conception. There is sometimes confusion about this feast. Since it comes near Christmas, people often associate it with the Incarnation - Christ becoming God made man in Mary's womb. [...]